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Puerto Viejo, a summary

Puerto Viejo reminds me of Venice beach. It’s colorful and touristy, with bicycles everywhere, vendors and street art all along the main road. You can feel the Caribbean and Rasta influences in the laid-back, chill vibe.

Costa Rica is a very environmentally conscientious country as a whole, but Puerto Viejo’s eco-friendly nature is everywhere in the form of signs, upcycled decor and wares, and abundance of organic, artisanal (and even gluten-free) options. They have lots of variety in types of food too, from Caribbean, to Thai, to Italian, and more.

Wood fire pizza and tropical ravioli (shrimp, pineapple, papaya, coconut, in a pineapple sauce with chunks of avocado), both fresh/handmade. Our favorite meal from Puerto Viejo!
We found the best breakfast spot - a bakery run by local Italians. Beautiful Ode to Bread by Neruda on the wall =)
We found the best breakfast spot – a bakery run by local Italians. Neruda’s beautiful “Ode to Bread” celebrates the fresh contents below it.
Favorite drink was at Soda Isma, a Caribbean eatery – batido de mango con agua. You could taste how fresh it was! Delicious beans and rice, along with a whole red snapper…mmm

In evenings, locals often sit and chat in front of restaurants, houses, and shops. They were very friendly, striking up conversation with passing friends (we saw plenty of drivers stick their heads out the window of their moving vehicles to yell a greeting to someone they know), or even to say hello to familiar tourists (our waiter from a previous night, asked us how our day went).

Puerto Viejo’s also a party city but it’s best later in the week, and later in the evening. Monday and Tuesday we found it pretty slow, with some restaurants closed those days and live music and festivities usually don’t start before 10pm. Saturday night we caught Plan B, a reggae, latin, rock band at Café Hot Rocks.

nighttime pv
Lively streets at night – beach is just to the right of the main road.

The best part, of course, is that it’s home to many beautiful beaches.

Playa Negra:IMG_0369 IMG_0373DSCN3712

sights on the way to puerto viejo
Riding our bikes down to Puerto Viejo from Playa Negra (yup, that’s black sand!)


Puerto Viejo:

In Puerto ViejoIMG_0471


Coral along the beach forms tide pools


Salsa Brava, a famous surf spot sits in the middle of Puerto Viejo. Check out the link below to watch.

Surfing Salsa Bravasalsa brava viewDSCN3701

Fresh picked papaya from the tree behind him!


The barge - a landmark, fishing and jumping spot.
The barge – a landmark, fishing and jumping spot.


Playa Cocles:DSCN3667-2

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  1. Jack Jack


    • Yes – I thought of you!!

  2. Eve Eve

    I think I know where my next vacation will be
    It looks beautiful, fun and my kind of place

  3. red red

    Enjoying all the peeks into the local scenery!

  4. Ashley Ashley

    Amazingly beautiful place!!!

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