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The Hoop of Destiny

A quick post on an awesome bar in Leith Edinburgh: Teucher’s Landing.

By their own definition, a teucher is “a contemptuous word for a Highlander or anyone from the North; an uncouth, countrified person.”

We found the bar and food fantastic!

Deeee-licious scallops and haddock with handcut chips (plus Jon's chicken burger!).
Deeee-licious scallops and haddock with handcut chips (plus Jon’s chicken burger!) and whisky toddies.

They’ve quite a large selection of whisky. So much whisky I didn’t know where to start. Thankfully they had a solution for that.hoop-of-destiny-2

You basically take the hoop and try to make it around the neck of any of the bottles behind the bar. You get three shots and get to drink a shot of whichever whisky you make it on.

I made 2 out of 3 shots (skill! said the bartender) and had my choice between Jura and a 12-year Glenmorangie. I went with the latter, as it was recommended (since it was much more expensive) and found I actually liked it.

Celebration drink!
Celebration drink!

This bar happens to also have a variety of board games to play while there.

Moral of this post: every bar should have a fun game(s)!